Friday 6 November 2015

Clarifying Wash Day And My Mini Braids

I finally had mini braids installed, my thoughts are low manipulation style, easy access to scalp for cleansing and massaging, and more impressively no changes to my regimen. I'll be keeping it this way for maximum 6 weeks (with my regimen of weekly washes I'm not sure it will last that long).

In preparation for my mini braids, I started off  (the day before ) with a coconut oil prepoo, covered in a plastic cap with heat for 15mins then left it for about an hour before rinsing and then shampooing with my clarifying shampoo - Kera Care 1st lather sulfate free shampoo,  followed by Creme of nature argan oil sulfate free moisture and shine shampoo.

The clarifying shampoo gave my hair a different kind of "clean" feeling, to previous shampoo washes using a moisturising shampoo. It was obvious that all the build-up of products had been removed.

I then proceeded to deep condition using my Elasta QP intense fortifying conditioning treatment mixed with jamaican black castor oil covered in a plastic cap with heat for 15mins . I had a couple of things to do in town so I placed a scarf and black hat over the plastic cap and went about my business.

 Washed it off hours later in the evening, t shirt dried, applied Cantu shea butter leave-in,  air dried, moisturised with ORS Olive oil moisturizing hair lotion, sealed with coconut oil and massaged my scalp with jamaican black castor oil. Important note to self: Never be in a rush to detangle when hair is wet, always wait for hair to be at least 80% dry!

The next day was a non- nursery day for my 4 year old son and my (almost) 3 year old daughter, so I had mini braids done at home by a stylist and it took about 4.5 hours in between settling sibling squabbles and attending to my 5 month old baby phew!

I've got the scantiest hair you've ever seen but hey let's see how it would look after a couple of months into my journey :-D . I am very hopeful :-D

The Wash Day Experience

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