A couple of things made me come to that decision;
- Firstly, I have just one hairdresser who relaxes my hair (about 6 miles from me) and I haven't been able to get her on the phone for sometime, she might be on holiday out of the country. In the past when this happens I'd always go for a plan B till I'm able to book an appointment.
- I've got two daughters, my first is now 2 years and 9 months old, I've always styled her hair and since I started my hair journey, I also have been researching about natural hair care for her. Got me thinking how much I want her to grow up loving her hair especially if there aren't many with her type of hair around her. If she sees mummy loving and embracing her own natural hair, what better example would there be? Mummy and daughters same regimen, same products, same hair. ..Hmmm I do have a dream!
- And then of course no more harsh chemicals, no more havinf to deal with two textures.
My last relaxer was on the 29th of May 2015. I've watched a lot of transitioning youtube videos and would like to transition for a year or even two but I don't think I'll be patient enough. The more I look at my hair in these mini braids the more I want to do a 'small chop' :-D, but I'm thinking of having a weave installed next month to see me through the harsh winter months, that will keep my hands and eyes off my hair for a while.
I'm really excited about going natural especially now I've discovered the world of healthy hair.